Sen. Fred Akshar Cancels BU Speaking Amid Student ‘Chaos’


State Sen. Fred Akshar, 52nd NY District, issued this statement Monday night: I’m disgusted by the chaos we’ve witnessed erupt across the Binghamton University campus over the past several days. I was scheduled to speak at an event this week at Binghamton University sponsored by the Southern Tier Young Professionals and the Binghamton University Center for Civic Engagement, but it’s become clear to me that Binghamton University’s campus has no longer become suitable for civic engagement. I’ll be cancelling my appearance.


Akshar posted this video of Monday night’s incident on his Facebook page.
Our college campuses should be places where ideas and peaceful discourse can be shared freely by all individuals, no matter their differing politics or opinions. Like many campuses across the country, it appears that leftist mob mentality and brute force intimidation have been given preference over free speech and the right to peacefully assemble.
A speaking engagement Monday night at Binghamton University with economist Dr. Arthur Laffer was upended by hundreds of protesters seconds after he began speaking. Dr. Laffer had to be escorted out of the building for his safety due to the protest.
(Laffer’s speech had been promoted by one of the group’s involved in last Thursday’s confrontation. He is an economist and Presidential Medal winner.)



These kind of unconstructive and abusive stunts should have no place on the campus of an institute for higher learning. They do nothing but impede meaningful dialogue, higher learning and the expression of beliefs and ideas. On-campus organizations should be able to peacefully and respectfully gather, and the very fact that this needs to be stated is disheartening.