Man killed in Wyalusing car crash

A 69-year-old Renovo, Pennsylvania man was killed in a crash in Wyalusing on Saturday.According to the Pennsylvania State Police, David Stahl was traveling on Route 6 when his Ford Fiesta crossed over into oncoming lanes, hit a guardrail and then crashed into a rock...

Knights of Columbus to hold free throw competitions

The Knights of Columbus will hold their local free throw shooting competitions over the next two weeks.Boys and girls ages 9 through 14 are invited to participate at Epiphany School in Sayre this Sunday at noon, or on Saturday, Feb. 8 at 10 am...

OFA standout Taylor signs to play baseball at Binghamton

Owego Free Academy senior Conlan Taylor made his college choice official on Monday.Taylor signed his National Letter of Intent to play baseball for Binghamton University during a ceremony at OFA.Taylor was named to the STAC Central/East All-Conference team as a pitcher last season.The River...

Broome County purchasing electric buses with grant money

The Broome County Department of Transportation will be adding electric buses to its fleet later this year.The department won two federal grants, totaling around 11 million dollars and will use those funds to purchase 13 40-foot long, full-battery electric buses as it looks to...

Former Steuben County ADA sentenced on child porn charges

A former Steuben County Assistant District Attorney has been sentenced to 20 months in prison for possession of child pornography.66-year-old Corning resident James Miller pleaded guilty to the crimes back in May.The investigation began back in 2021 when New York State Police got a...

School Closings & Delays for Tuesday, Jan. 28

The following area school districts are operating on a two hour delay or they are closed today:CLOSED:Bainbridge-GuilfordLansingMaine-EndwellNewark ValleyNorwichTioga CentralUnion-EndicottWhitney pointTWO-HOUR DELAY:AthensChenango ValleyChenango ForksEpiphanyNortheast BradfordNorthern Tier Career Center (No morning session)Northern TiogaOwego ApalachinSayreSouthern TiogaTowandaTroyWellsboroWyalusing

Fire breaks out at Keystone Tacos in Sayre

A fire caused major damage at Keystone Tacos, located at 142 South Keystone Ave. in Sayre, just after 8 p.m. on Monday.According to Sayre Assistant Fire Chief Gil Crossett, all residents of the apartments and business were out of the building and no injuries...

Wyalusing man sentenced to over 12 years in state prison

A Wyalusing man has been sentenced to more than 12 years in state prison for transporting a minor across state lines to engage in illicit sexual conduct.According to the US Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, 45-year-old Mark Douglas Miller committed the...

45th annual Scholarship Challenge kicks off on Feb. 8

The 45th annual Scholarship Challenge will kick off on Saturday, Feb. 8 at the Sayre Theatre.16 high school teams from across the Twin Tiers will compete for $5,000 in prize money and the coveted Kwasnoski Cup.The high school competition will be held over five weeks...

Milltown home damaged by fire

A Milltown home was damaged by a fire on Friday afternoon.Firefighters from Sayre, Athens and North Towanda responded to the house on Cayuta Street at around 2 p.m. on Friday.No injuries have been reported from the incident. The cause of the fire is under...