Extra Patrols Scheduled for Thanksgiving DWI Crackdown

Local law enforcement will put extra patrols on the roads in the Southern Tier and elsewhere this weekend. New York State Police, county sheriff’s departments and local law enforcement are adding the extra patrols to keep roads safe during the Thanksgiving weekend in the annual STOP-DWI Crackdown Campaign that continues through Sunday.

As always, you can expect to see random checkpoints for drunk and impaired driving over the Thanksgiving weekend. Law enforcement will also be looking for seatbelt and child safety seat violations, speeding, talking on a cellphone while driving and failure to move over for first responders.

Chemung County Sheriff William Schrom always sends out a news release about these STOP DWI crackdowns.  Schrom says research shows high-visibility enforcement can reduce impaired driving fatalities by as much as 20 percent.