Gov. Cuomo: Let’s Grab A Movie and A Beer … in a Theater


Gov. Andrew Cuomo will present his State of the State address on Wednesday in Albany. On the long list of the governor’s proposals is a second attempt to allow alcohol sales in movie theaters under certain provisions, including no sales at children’s movie.

Cuomo pushed a similar proposal in 2017, the Senate passed the proposal but it was not included in the budget. One reason to expand alcohol sales while you watch the latest box office blockbuster, says Cuomo, is to increase tourism, presumably by attracting more patrons to theaters who want a beer while watching a movie.

Craft beer producers, a increasingly growing industry in the Empire State, would have additional customers for their products, says Cuomo. Theaters would get additional revenues and the state coffers would get addition tax revenues.

The beverages would be limited to movies with at least a PG-13 rating with sales only to persons of legal drinking age.