The Bradford County Commissioners have announced that effective immediately, the Mt. Pisgah County Park will no longer permit overnight camping due to numerous recent acts of vandalism and other violations of the park rules and regulations.
According to a press release, the decision was made after concerns raised by the park manager, local residents and law enforcement officials. To preserve the public resources of the park for County residents and avoid any further damage, the Bradford County Commissioners made the difficult decision to close Mt. Pisgah County Park to any overnight camping, effective at 9 p.m. on June 20 and continuing for the balance of the 2024 season.
Mt. Pisgah County Park will now be open only from dawn to dusk, allowing visitors to enjoy day-use activities such as hiking, and picnicking. The park’s scenic trails and picnic areas will remain accessible to the public.
“We understand that this change may cause inconvenience for some users, but we must prioritize the safety and well-being of our park patrons. We are committed to providing a positive experience for all visitors, while also ensuring the protection of our natural resources and facilities,” the commissioners said in the press release.
For more information about Mt. Pisgah County Park’s new hours and policies, visit