Northern Tier EMS Units Receive Grant Money


Over $400,000 in state grant money will be awarded to Pennsylvania first responders, and Greater Valley EMS in Sayre was one of the 22 fire and emergency medical
services companies in Bradford County to receive grant money. The company was awarded the most money in the county, with over $12,000 awarded for Rescue and over
$7,000 awarded for EMS. The funding comes from slot machine gaming proceeds in Pennsylvania. The grants help first responders handle operating costs, debt, renovate, and buy new equipment. Greater Valley EMS is using the ambulance grant for debt reduction on a loan it has for two ambulances that were purchased a few years ago. The rescue grant will be used to upgrade some current equipment and also to enhance some of the company’s capabilities. Others locally receiving grants were Athens Township Volunteer Fire Company, North Towanda Fire and Rescue Volunteers, South Waverly Fire Department, and Towanda Fire Department

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