In the closing moments of the Christmastime classic, “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” Charlie Brown’s friends gather in secret to transform his plain little tree into one that is beautiful and bright. The Sayre Business Association seeks community friends to transform undecorated Christmas trees into festive, first-prize displays for the 4th Annual Tree Decorating Competition now through Nov. 24.
Through November 13, businesses, organizations, and individuals may sponsor a tree to decorate. The costs for trees are $35.00 for a four-foot tree, $50.00 for a five-foot tree, and $75.00 for a seven-foot tree. There is a limited number of seven and five-foot trees, so reserve those early. All trees are available on a first come, first-serve basis. Sponsorship includes the undecorated tree and a 12-inch by 18-inch sign listing the sponsor’s name. Lights and decorations are at the discretion of the tree’s sponsor.
The trees will be available for decorating starting November 12 and must be completed on November 24. When Santa arrives at the end of the annual parade on Friday evening, Nov. 26, he will “light up the night” and bring the trees to life. The Christmas Parade Committee will then make its way to the Enterprise Building and vote for the “tree of the year” and award prizes to the winners.
For more information, contact Melanie at Doggy Doos Boutique, (570) 731-7336, or email [email protected]. Entry forms may also be found on the Sayre Business Association’s Facebook page.