This motorist was trapped by flooded water on Route 17C in front of Tioga Gardens in Owego, and rescued by the Campville Fire Department Water Rescue Team at about 6:30 this morning, 4/28/2011.
The Court Street bridge in Owego remains open, despite high water. 4/28/2011
The Owego Riverwalk is flooded, and water is up to the back of the buildings on River row. 4/28/2011
The Route 96/North Avenue railroad underpass in Owego was closed after 4 AM due to flooding. 4/28/2011
The shoulder of Montrose Turnpike washed out this morning, leaving this gaping hole on the side of, and underneath the roadway. 4/28/2011
here is another look at the hole in the roadway on Montrose Turnpike, in Owego. The guardrail is just hanging there in mid-air. 4/28/2011
Send us your flood pictures to [email protected]