BC Health Department Announces Actions to Mark National Lead Poisoning Week


The Broome County Health Department has announced its plans for National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, which is October 21st to the 27th. They will participate in education activities designed to raise local awareness about the danger of lead exposure and poisoning. They will also be educating parents on how to reduce exposure to lead in their environment, prevent its serious health effects, and learn about the importance of testing children for lead. Lead can slow a child’s growth, negatively affect kidney function and hearing, cause learning disabilities, and behavioral problems. Stopping a child’s exposure is the best way to prevent the harmful effects. According to the CDC, there is no known safe level of lead exposure. Even low levels can damage the brain and kidneys, as well as the reproductive, cardiovascular, circulatory, and immune systems. In 2017, Broome County identified 67 children with elevated blood lead levels.