Binghamton Council Considering Limit on Dogs Per Household


Binghamton City Council discussed the idea of new legislature that would limit the number of dogs allowed per household. Data from comparable areas show many cities cap the number of dogs per household to four, and the city of Binghamton may fall in line if council members can come to an agreement on the piece of legislation proposed yesterday. Some members feel such an ordinance may ease common complaints about barking, and messes and hold owners accountable who don’t
properly care for their animals. But others said most residents with multiple dogs are responsible, loving animal owners, and expressed concern that regulating how many dogs they can have may be punishing the wrong people. If such legislation were approved, residents with more than the allotted number of dogs would have to apply for a kennel permit. However, residents shouldn’t expect a resolution anytime soon, as the topic has been tabled until the next session.

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