A bar on Binghamton’s south side has been temporarily closed by court order for allegedly violating the city’s nuisance law.
Last Thursday, the Rock B. Tavern on Conklin Avenue was ordered to be immediately locked down and closed for all purposes until a trial could be held. Lawyers for the tavern are trying to negotiate with the city to avoid trial, but if a deal can’t be struck, a trial will likely begin in the next ten days.
The city’s Property and Building Nuisance Reform law assigns a point value, from 2 to 12 points, for violations that happen at a building or adjacent to a building. If 12 or more points are accumulated within six months, then the building is deemed to be in violation of the nuisance law.
According to city officials, the Rock B. Tavern accumulated 78 points from March to August of 2012, and collected even more points in September of last year, when a 26-year-old man was murdered near the bar.