Casino Decision Due At 2PM Today


New York State’s Gaming Facilities Location Board is expected to make their recommendation this afternoon, for who will get a casino license in the Southern Tier. Four licenses could be recommended for Upstate New York, and they would be divided among the three designated regions: the Southern Tier, Capital, and Catskill regions. No region can get more than two licenses, and at least one has been promised to the Southern Tier region. The Gaming Facilities Location Board had to follow specific criteria over the past three months, to make their decisions. 70 percent of their decision is based on the economic activity a project will stir, and business development from that project. That criteria includes providing the highest number of quality jobs and offering the fastest time to completion. 20 percent of the decision is based on local impact and citing factors, that includes how much support a particular project garnished. And 10 percent is based on work force enhancement factors, that focuses on the quality of employment at each proposed project. The Gaming Facilities Location Board is expect to announce their decision today afternoon around 2 p.m.

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