Ascension Lourdes Hospital, Binghamton, has reopened its doors to limited visitors with various guidelines and expectations for visiting.
Visitation Guidelines
All inpatient visitors and support persons will be required to enter through the Main Entrance. Visitors using the Towers Entrance or Emergency Department entrance will be redirected to the Main Entrance.
Screening of Visitors and Support Persons
All visitors will be screened upon entrance to the hospital and facilities. This will include questioning regarding:
• Presence of fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, muscle aches, or diarrhea.
• Close contact with anyone who has been laboratory-confirmed as positive for COVID-19.
• Visitor name and contact information will be collected for each visit and the name and location of the patient. Visitors shall be denied entry if they report significant COVID exposure or symptoms during the prior 14 days or have a temperature equal to or greater than 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit.
Inpatient areas
Visitation will occur between 3 – 7 p.m. daily. Visitors are limited to 1 person at a time.
• Visitors or support persons will only be permitted if they are asymptomatic.
• Individuals under 18 will not be permitted.
• Individuals age 70 years or older are discouraged due to increased risk of infection.
Lourdes has adopted these guidelines for visitors. All visitors and support persons entering the facility will be required to wear a mask (surgical or cloth) at all times. Visitors and support persons will remain in the patient’s room, except when entering or exiting the facility. Visitors will be provided with proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when necessary and it must be worn while in the facility as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Visitors must be advised how to perform meticulous hand hygiene and how to wear the PPE and must adhere to such procedures.
Ascension Lourdes reserves the right to ask any visitor to leave the property in the event that they do not follow proper hand hygiene, wearing of PPE, if they are displaying symptoms or otherwise interfering with clinical care.