On Wednesday, Broome County Executive Jason Garnar announced a new initiative #CrushCOVID to further limit the density of people in heavily
frequented locations and save lives.
Individuals with an odd-numbered birth year should visit grocery stores, parks, and golf courses only on odd-numbered dates. Individuals with an even-numbered birth year should visit such locations only on even-numbered dates. If people must go out in a group, they should choose the date that corresponds to the oldest person’s birth year.
This does not apply to essential medical or work needs. The initiative will continue through at least April 29th in conjunction with Governor Cuomo’s New York on PAUSE order.
For updated information about COVID-19 numbers in Broome County, please visit http://gobroomecounty.com/hd/coronavirus. Broome County officials remind you to stay home, avoid contact with others, and if you feel sick
and do not need immediate assistance, please contact your healthcare provider via phone or virtual health with questions prior to heading to the emergency room.