There are a pair of fundraisers set for this weekend to benefit Chenango Valley High School student AJ Presto, who suffered a severe spinal injury in a swimming accident in June.
There will be a #PrestoStrong Benefit at the Chenango Valley State Park Golf Course on Saturday at 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 if purchases ahead of time or $20 at the door and includes two sodas or cans of beer and five raffle tickets.
The event will feature silent auctions, basket raffles, 50-50 raffles, food specials and live music throughout the night.
On Sunday, the American Legion Riders Chapter 401 will hold a benefit for Presto during its Poker Run. The cost is $20 to enter. There will also be a chicken BBQ in the morning and a clam bake and burgers available in the afternoon.
Registration is from 10:45 a.m. to noon. The ride is approximately 80 miles.