Garnar: Broome County Reports 3rd Death from COVID-19 Coronavirus


On Friday, Broome County Executive Jason Garnar provided an update on the County’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Garnar announced the third COVID-19 related death in Broome County. A woman in her 70’s passed away at UHS. The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Broome County has now increased to 17.

Additionally, the County Executive announced the Broome County Floyd L Maines Veterans Memorial Arena has been equipped as a triage and holding area to assist local hospitals. In the case that Broome County hospitals are overwhelmed, the Arena is equipped with 50 beds to be
staffed by local EMS employees.

These beds will be reserved for confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients. Critical patients will be treated at the hospitals. This is not a public facility.

Garnar also called on any individuals with medical experience to step up in this crisis to support Broome County hospitals. The local hospitals have training systems in place to bring individuals into the field. Any individuals with medical experience willing to help can
call 211 to be connected to the heath care systems.

Broome County officials remind you to stay home, avoid contact with others, and if you feel sick and do not need immediate assistance, please contact your healthcare provider via phone or virtual health with questions prior to heading to the emergency room.