New York State Rejects Fracking


Acting state Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker and DEC Commissioner Joseph Martens both rejected the prospect for New York to move further with hydraulic
fracturing. Both officials gave negative reports on high-volume hydrofracturing at yesterday morning’s cabinet meeting in Albany. Martens began his presentation with the definition of fracking, and its potential water, air, land, community and economic impacts. He highlighted the DEC’s proposed restrictions to mitigate some of these potential impacts, but stated that significant concerns still remained. Zucker touched on health reports completed in other states, plus one in Rochester, and concluded that many red flags are raised. His bottom line– there have not been enough extensive studies done yet to know the potential health risks fracking may propose. Zucker recommended high-volume hydrofracturing not proceed in New York, saying, “We lack the necessary data.” Early next year, the DEC plans to issue legally binding findings prohibiting fracking in the state.

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