Deadline passes with no NYS budget deal


The deadline came and went over the weekend with no budget agreement in place for New York. The 2017-2018 fiscal year began on Saturday for the state, but lawmakers could not come to a budget agreement despite working through the weekend. They will be back at it this morning. Gov. Andrew Cuomo told the legislature they had a grace period to pass the budget since the fiscal year began on a Saturday. He is expected to extend the current budget today to keep the government working until an agreement can be made. That extender would allow the state to continue functioning through May 31. One of the main issues under discussion this weekend was the “Raise the Age” proposal, with Democrats and Republicans split over the initiative to treat 16 and 17-year-old suspects in crimes as juveniles rather than adults. This is the first time in four years that New York has failed to pass an on-time budget.

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