Johnson City Parks are now tobacco free.
Mayor Dennis Hannon cut the ribbon at the carousel at CFJ Park just after 11 a.m.
He met with the Broome County Reality Check and Tobacco Free Broome and Tioga.
They discussed the benefits of banning smoking from parks.
They say that, even in the open air, second-hand smoke can be bad for everyone’s health.
“The research has shown if you’re within three feet of a smoker, even outdoors, you get levels that are as high as indoors. It’s really similar types of issues,” said Broome County Heath Department’s Sharron Fischer.
“Ear infections for infants, it’s a higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome, asthma attacks can be sparked by exposure to second hand smoke. For adults, exposure to secondhand smoke is a risk factor for heart disease.”
For more information about why the new policy is in place, you can visit Tobacco Free Broome and Tioga.
Its website is