Maine Endwell Student Project to Benefit Japan Disaster Relief


Students at Maine Memorial Elementary School are showing their support for disaster relief in Japan by creating and selling origami cranes.
Origami is a Japanese art of skillfully folding paper into a finished sculpture.
All proceeds from the sale of the paper cranes will go directly to Japan earthquake and tsunami relief.
Students in all grade levels have helped with the project.
Students in grades three to five created the cranes, and students in grades kindergarten to two created cherry blossom trees using real tree branches and tissue paper.
The students display the cranes by hanging them on the trees.
Members of the school’s student council sell the origami cranes for .50 cents each before and after school, and they will be sold a some of the school’s upcoming events. In just their first morning of sales the students raised over $70.
To prepare for the project, art teacher Mary Ann Wasilnak introduced her students to some background on Japan and the tragedy unfolding there.
Then the students learned about the history of cherry blossoms and the technique of origami.
In addition to raising funds for others in need, the project is also a leadership lesson for students, said Wasilnak.
The students synergized to make the project a success, she said.
“The students were introduced to a world wide event and learned how they can show leadership and solidarity to make a difference,” she said.

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