Six students from Owego Free Academy portrayed victims in a mock accident held at the high school to show the students right before prom and graduation the effects of what drinking and driving can really have. Stephen Jenson who is in charge of public relations with OFA explains that it was important to show the mock accident because,
Stepehn Jensen Clip
Owego Firefighter Andy Churchman who graduated from OFA in 2007 feels that it is important to show the students this mock accident instead of just a lecture.
Andy Churchman Clip
The mock accident showed 6 high school girls in a 2 car accident and members of the Owego and Appalachin Fire Departments, The Sheriff’s Department, Owego Police Department, Coroner and a local funeral home going through what happens at a fatal car accident.
Senior Marina Fargnoli played a victim in the accident and she said even though she knew it was not a real situation, it was a lot scarier than she thought because being a part of it makes it so much more realistic.
Marina Fargnoli Clip
Sheriff Howard says having a visual makes the reality of what can happen much more impactful than a lecture.
Sheriff Howard Clip
The mock accident was followed by an assembly where each of the victims in character explained how the accident effected their lives and the lives of everyone around them.