(Owego, NY) – Martha Sauerbrey, chairwoman of the Tioga County Legislature reports security upgrades are underway at the Ronald E. Dougherty County Office Building on Main Street in Owego.
Over the past year the County Office building has been systematically improving
security by installing cameras on the inside and outside of the building. We now
have enhanced parking lot coverage to mitigate unwanted activity and access
control to the building, both during business and after hours. Access to the building
has been improved by the use of electronic fobs instead of keys. Security systems
are also being upgraded at Public Works areas and a new security system will be
installed at the County Truck Wash Facility.
Within the next few months, employees and the public will go through security
before going to their destination such as the DMV Office or other locations within
the building. Security guards will be stationed on the first floor and all individuals will
be asked to go through a magnetometer or be hand wanded. Entrance into the building is restricted to one location effective immediately.
Ronald E. Dougherty County Office Building will continue to open at 8:30 AM, close
at 5:00 PM, and the DMV Office will open at 9:00 AM for business and close at 5:00
PM, with the last transaction being at 4:45 p.m.
Upgrades in security protects the building, infrastructures and personal wellbeing.
These upgrades give employees and customers peace of mind. This is true no
matter which industry you are conducting business in. I would like to thank everyone
in advance for their understanding and willingness to embrace and adapt to these
upcoming changes.