Spencer-Van Etten To Seek Tax Cap Override


Spencer-Van Etten is among the six percent of New York school districts that have indicated they will be seeking approval of an override of the property tax cap. 38 districts statewide are proposing an override for the 2014-2015 school year. The tax cap, which was adopted in 2011, has seen most district able to stay within its limits, mostly because an override requires 60 percent voter approval. Officials in the Spencer-Van Etten district say that district may ask for a 5 percent tax-levy increase, as the schools are currently facing a $400,000 budget gap, partially due to limited state aid. Out of 28 districts last year that asked for an override of the tax-cap, just ten were successful in obtaining the supermajority vote. School budgets will head to the ballots on May 20th. If any budget fails, a re-vote will take place on June 17th, with the fiscal year for schools starting July 1st.

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