Tioga County Legislature has launched a COVID-19 website to specifically address the public’s COVID-19 questions. A clear path to not only Tioga County specific information, but also Federal and State resources can be found at https://covid19.tiogacountyny.com
The page provides access to Public Health information such as educational resource sheets, home learning tools for parents, school meal location information and also daily updates on the Coronavirus statistics specific to Tioga County.
Additionally, a business page was created to provide information and links to business resources such as the Small Business Administration programs and Department of Labor guidance.
In addition to the webpage, the Tioga County Coronavirus Response Helpline (687-8225) was established for all Coronavirus related information. This helpline is streamlined through a phone menu featuring Public Health, ED&P/Team Tioga, Mental Hygiene, and Social Services with the option to dial zero for all other calls or needs.
Legislative Chairwoman Martha Sauerbrey stated, “During these challenging times there is a lot of information out there for our residents to work through. The purpose of the web portal is to provide people with clear and direct access to up-to-date and relevant information.”