The Tioga County Sheriff’s Office received a call at 5:17 PM from Ward Walter that his wife, Marion Walter, age 75, and their dog Smokey had gone for a walk in the woods behind his residence on Dutchtown Rd., Newark Valley, and had not returned.
She had left at about 3:00 PM for the walk.
Members of the Tioga County Sheriff’s Office responded to the scene and conducted an area search near the home. Not being able to locate her, the Newark Valley Fire Department was notified and subsequently the Tioga County Search and Rescue Team were called out, along with the Broome County Search and Rescue Team, and members of the New York State Forest Rangers.
A command center was set up at the Newark Valley Fire Department.
Members of the search and rescue teams searched the area near the home, and at about 1:00 AM Marion Walter was located about 1 mile from her home in a heavily wooded area.
She was transported to Wilson Hospital where she was treated and released.
Her dog, Smokey, a mixed Lab, color black, and hard of hearing, was found later on Friday.
Smokey is now home too.