The Tioga County Fair continues today at Marvin Park in Owego. Today marks one of the busier days on the fair’s schedule, with events including horse pulls, a touch-a-truck event, and a Shadows of the Old West show. There will be wine and beer tasting at the fair from 4 to 8 o’clock tonight, as well as the Little Miss and Mr. Tioga and Miss Tioga County Fair contests. The fireworks originally scheduled for Tuesday night will also be taking place tonight, weather permitting.
Looking ahead in the fair to Saturday, as part of the sportsman’s day there will be an archery tournament. Ray Reeves of Lock-N-Load, who is sponsoring the event, and the day as a whole, talked about the top-end prizes for the archery tournament winner. The first place prize is a Bowtech Carbon Knight, valued between $800 and $900, and the second prize is a Parker Thunderhawk Crossbow, valued between $600 and $700. The cost to enter the archery tournament is just $10. General admission to the fair is $8. For a list of the schedule and more information you can visit