The Owego Fire Department, established in the 1840’s, is a volunteer fire department comprised of five companies. These five companies consist of three engine, one tower, and one heavy rescue company. Under the umbrella of the Owego Fire Department is also the Emergency squad containing two paid paramedics, Emergency Support Services and the Fire Police.
Each new member of the fire department completes an application process that includes a physical and a background check. Upon application completion and acceptance, the new member is instructed to attend weekly training, and participate in an 85 hour state fire training course titled Firefighter one. Upon completion of the Firefighter one training course, the firefighter is then recommended to their department to apply for their green tag. Green tag firefighters are the only firefighters permitted to actively attack a fire. At the entrance to any fire, tags are collected by personnel prior to a firefighter being permitted to enter the structure. The tag system is used to determine duty eligibility as well as to hold firefighter accountability.
Captain Matthew Porcari, a green tag volunteer member was sponsored into Croton Hose Company # 3 of Talcott Street as an apprentice firefighter at age 16. Prior to serving the last two years as Captain, Matthew held positions as lieutenant and active firefighter dedicating 19 years of service to the Owego Fire Department. When asked how to describe Captain Porcari, Mark Warfle, a 30 year veteran firefighter described the Captain as ‘A true Friend’. He went on to describe Matt Porcari as ‘inquisitive, compassionate, and funny’. That sentiment resonated throughout the department. Renee Fox, a 10 year veteran firefighter described Matt as ‘A great dad’, exclaiming that his kids were his first priority. This was echoed by other members of the department, including 28 year veteran fire fighter Roy Schreiner who said that the Captain was always interested in furthering his fire fighter education and had exceptional leadership skills. Captain Matthew Porcari will be remembered by all, as someone who was ‘compassionate, eager to learn, an exceptional leader and a father who simply adored his kids.’
– From the Owego Fire Department