Testimony Nearly Complete In Douglas Every Trial


Several witnesses testified yesterday inside the Tioga County courtroom in the Douglas Every murder trial. He is facing second degree murder charges in connection with the death of Milton Jump in October of last year. As prosecution wrapped up its witness testimony, the defense seemed to breeze through seven of their witnesses in the afternoon. First taking the stand was Medical Examiner Scott LaPoint, who talked about the single stab wound that punctured Jump’s heart. He said the angle was quote “Back, neither left or right and slightly upward.” The knife wound was determined the actual cause of death. LaPoint also mentioned the bruises found on Jump’s forearms and knuckles and how they appeared to be recent injuries. According to LaPoint alcohol had been found in Milton Jump’s system…his blood alcohol content level was .27. Then the defense called Every’s family doctor Keith Nichols who said he had prescribed Every several anxiety medications and seen him for a hand injury on November 22, 2013 Every told the doctor the injury was due to a fall. One thing that stood out was the question of Jump’s community reputation — four witnesses identified Jump as a drunken, verbally aggressive and belligerent man. The defense plans to call one more witness today. Judge Keene says it’s possible the jury could get this case sometime later today.

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