Tioga County Public Health: Drug Overdose Deaths in 2019 Reach New High


FROM TIOGA PUBLIC HEALTH: 2019 proved to be a devastating year of drug overdose deaths in Tioga County. Throughout the year, there were 17 mixed drug toxicity deaths, a staggering increase from the eight in 2018. By comparison, the county had 11 mixed drug toxicity deaths in 2017, eight in 2016 and 14 in 2015. Stewart Bennett, Tioga County Administrative Coroner, provided this data to Tioga County Public Health.

While efforts continue to be focused towards substance use in Tioga County, efforts need to ontinue to expand.
Mixed drug toxicity means there is more than one substance in the blood stream at the time of death, and often, there are several different substances detected. This means that no single substance can be determined to be the cause of deaths, but rather that the combination of drugs was lethal. Of the 17 drug related deaths in 2019, the most commonly found substance in the blood stream was fentanyl. Heroin, cocaine and meth were also often detected as well.

While there may be several substances in one’s blood stream at the time of an overdose, Tioga County Public Health wants to remind the public how important it is to have Narcan on hand to reverse an opioid overdose, such as fentanyl, heroin, or prescription pain medications. Getting treatment for a substance use disorder is often a personal choice, but families, friends and peers can help save lives by following harm reduction practices, like using around a sober individual that can call for emergency help if needed.

Anyone looking to be trained to administer Narcan and who would like a free kit can contact any of the following agencies in Tioga County:

  • Tioga County Public Health: 607-687-8612
  • Tioga County Mental Hygiene: 607-687-0200
  • CASA-Trinity Prevention: 607-223-4066

Anyone looking for substance use treatment options in Tioga County should contact:

  • Tioga County Mental Hygiene: 607-687-0200
  • CASA-Trinity COTI Program: 607-223-4826
  • ACBC COTI Program: 888-428-4571

Narcan is also available at other locations across New York State, including many pharmacies. To find the complete list of Narcan distribution locations, please visit