Tioga County Public Health Reports Its First COVID-19 Related Death


Tioga County Legislature Chairman Martha Sauerbrey announced in mid-afternoon Wednesday that it is with great sorrow that Tioga County Public Health has confirmed the first COVID-19 death in Tioga County. The individual passed away on Tuesday, April 14. The person’s age, gender, length of illness and whether they had a contributing underlying condition will not be released.

Sauerbrey reported the following Tioga County COVID-19 Statistics:

·      36 Confirmed Cases – Total confirmed cases, to date. 

·      117 Individuals in Mandatory Quarantine. These are individuals who have had close contact (6 ft.) with someone who has tested positive, but is not displaying symptoms for COVID-19; or individuals that have traveled to China, Iran, Japan, South Korea, or Italy and is displaying symptoms of COVID-19. 

·      3 Individuals in Precautionary Quarantine. These are individuals who have traveled to China, Iran, Japan, South Korea, or Italy while COVID-19 was prevalent, but is not displaying symptoms; or is known to have had a proximate exposure to a positive person but has not had direct contact with a positive person and is not displaying symptoms. 

·      8 Pending Tests.

·      13 Recovered – Total number of individuals who had a confirmed case of COVID-19 and are now symptom and fever-free that meet the criteria to be released from Isolation. This is a snapshot of data provided to Tioga County Public Health at this point in time. Administered tests are tracked in various ways. Test results are reported.