Please contact Teresa Saraceno, Land Bank Director at [email protected] or (607) 687-8260.
The Tioga County Property Development Corporation Land Bank (TCPDC) is a nonprofit entity set up primarily
to address vacant, abandoned blighted and tax delinquent properties countywide.
Funds from the State Attorney General’s Community Revitalization Initiative (CRI) through Enterprise
Community Partners, Inc. were awarded to rebuild our neighborhoods and eliminate slums and blight.
TCPDC Land Bank is taking steps toward achieving healthier, more vital, and safer neighborhoods for all.
Many other benefits occur because of these revitalization efforts, Martha Sauerbrey, TCPDC and Tioga County Legislative chairwoman shared, “This program will encourage economic growth instead of allowing deterioration. It will help address the safety and health of our residents while stabilizing and transforming our neighborhoods. Now, the redevelopment begins.”