Tioga Rural Ministry Changes Hours and Procedures During COVID-19 Crisis


Tioga County Rural Ministry’s Food Pantry is open for our usual hours of operation, Monday – Thursday from 10-4 and Friday from 10-1. Due to the COVID-19 virus we are limiting personal contact. Food is being packaged and distributed by our volunteers to anyone requesting food. We do ask that all follow social distancing procedures by ringing the doorbell for service, then standing behind the green line on our sidewalk, with additional patrons keeping a six-foot distance from each other. We are offering food delivery to those who are sick or quarantined, thanks to Rotary and Kiwanis volunteers and other members of our generous community.

Phone interviews are being conducted for anyone seeking financial assistance, especially those who have recently been laid off from work. Please call 687-3021 and ask for Alycia. Messages may also be left for her if she is busy working with other clients. We welcome those who need help during these most difficult days and are eager to respond to needs, as they arise.