Tioga Central School District Facing Budget Shortfall


Tioga Central School District is facing an estimated $902,000 budget shortfall in 2015-16. To close the gap, the district is considering two scenarios: A host of
reductions, including cuts on extracurricular activities, or a 30 percent tax levy increase. The district held the first of two budget workshops last night in the
Tioga High School cafeteria, an event attended by several dozen local residents. The second workshop is scheduled for 6 p.m. tonight. The estimated shortfall is attributed to a reduction of state aid and an increase in benefit and pension contributions. Those factors, among others, place a burden on high-need, rural districts like Tioga. After tonight’s budget workshop, there are several more meetings planned. The next meeting is when the board of education is scheduled to adopt the budget on April 20.

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