Gordy & Mary Shiner stopped by the WEBO Morning Show on Friday to tell us about the annual Traci’s Hope Fundraiser. Traci’s Hope is a local organization that collects donations and distributes them to people who are fighting breast cancer. Funds are used to help cancer patients with financial struggles during their treatment process. The goal is to make it easier for people to get the care they need.
Traci’s Hope has provided funds for gas money, car repairs, rent payments, prescription medications, household appliances, and many other things. All funds stay local, and they all go directly to local people. there are no administrative fees associated with the organization because it is all run by volunteers.
Gordy and Mary are the proud parents of Traci Gibson who started the organization during her fight with breast cancer.
This year’s event takes place at the Apalachin Fireman’s Field on Saturday, October 7th, 2017 from 12pm-6pm.
Cans & Bottles will be collected at the event by Ryan & Jocelyn Kline who are donating those funds back to Traci’s Hope.