Update: Global Leadership Now in Owego


As the conference unfolds, 12 girls from around the area are being taught about the role of confidence in character building. Penny Bartlow, founder of GLN, has been leading this initiative to empower adolescent girls and equip them with leadership skills for 5 years. Penny states, “In order for things to change, women need to step up into leadership roles and create that change.” For these participants, change began with eye-opening activities that revealed the global state of women in today’s society and empowered them to take a stand. Throughout the 3-day conference, girls are encouraged to tap into and unleash their leadership skills by analyzing traits like awareness and integrity. After a few rounds of powerful female guest speakers, empowering film and music clips, bold and creative activities, and personal reflection, the girls are asked to incorporate what they learned each day at GLN in their lives at home. This “Leader Practice” is lifelong, and one Penny and former GLN participants Anna Gillule and Deanna Hutchison allow to guide their lives. Deanna states that from participating in GLN 5 years ago as a senior in high school, it empowered her by already having a voice going into college. By becoming a leader themselves, these participants are brightening the future of women altogether.