Nineteen state attorneys general have joined Wisconsin’s Catholic Charities Bureau of Superior in challenging a Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling that the charity does primarily secular work and thus...
Catholic Charities is currently operating a warming station in Elmira.The center is open 24 hours a day and aims to keep those experiencing homelessness safe and out of the cold during these frigid days.The warming station is located at 160 High Street, which is...
The Catholic Charities of Tompkins and Tioga Counties is once again running their adopt-a-child Christmas gift program.This year, the non-profit group will help well over 300 kids in Tioga County with the help of the community and local sponsors.Tags are available at various locations...
Join Dave and Irene Radigan as they broadcast live from Sweeney's Market on Route 434 in Apalachin on Thursday, June 24th for a food drive to benefit Catholic Charities of Tompkins and Tioga counties. Catholic Charities On the MOVE with The MolinaCares Accord, in collaboration with Molina Healthcare...
Join Dave and Irene Radigan as they broadcast live from The Owego Pharmacy in the Tops Plaza on Wednesday, June 23rd for a food drive to benefit Catholic Charities of Tompkins and Tioga counties. Catholic Charities On the MOVE with The MolinaCares Accord, in collaboration with Molina...
Owego Police Department investigated a possible fraud complaint at M&T Bank and arrested Brittany Barnett, no address provided, for presenting a fraudulent check to the bank that was issued by Catholic Charities. Barnett was arrested and charged with Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument,...