School Closings & Delays for Thursday, Feb. 6

The following school districts and organizations are either closed or opening on a delay on Thursday, Feb. 6 due to impending winter weather conditions:CLOSEDAddisonAthensBathCandorCantonChenango ForksChenango ValleyCorningElmira CityElmira HeightsEpiphanyEldwerwood at Waverly Adult Medical Day ServicesFinn Academy ElmiraFamily Enrichment NetworkGrace Christian AcademyGreeneHorseheadsMaine-EndwellNewark ValleyNewfieldNortheast BradfordNorthern TiogaNotre DameOwego-ApalachinPenn...

School Closings & Delays for Tuesday, Jan. 28

The following area school districts are operating on a two hour delay or they are closed today:CLOSED:Bainbridge-GuilfordLansingMaine-EndwellNewark ValleyNorwichTioga CentralUnion-EndicottWhitney pointTWO-HOUR DELAY:AthensChenango ValleyChenango ForksEpiphanyNortheast BradfordNorthern Tier Career Center (No morning session)Northern TiogaOwego ApalachinSayreSouthern TiogaTowandaTroyWellsboroWyalusing

School closings and delays for Wednesday, Jan. 22

The following area school district are operating on a two-hour delay or are closed today, Wednesday, Jan. 22, due to the extreme cold and wind chill.TWO HOUR DELAYAthensCandorEpiphanyNortheast BradfordNorthern Tier Career CenterNorthern TiogaTowandaTroySayreSullivan CountyWellsboroWyalusingCLOSEDSpencer-Van Etten

School closings and delays for Tuesday, Jan. 21

The following area school districts are operating on a two-hour delay or closed on Tuesday, Jan. 21 due to the extreme cold and wind chill.TWO HOUR DELAY:AthensSayreEpiphanyNortheast BradfordNorthern Tier Career Center ( No morning session)TowandaTroySullivan CountyWyalusingCLOSED:Northern TiogaWellsboroFLEXIBLE INSTRUCTION DAY:Southern Tioga

School Closings & Delays for Friday, Nov. 22

Due to winter weather conditions, the following school districts are closed today, Friday, Nov. 22nd:AthensNorthern Tier Career CenterNortheast BradfordTioga CentralOwego-ApalachinSullivan CountyAftonBinghamtonBlue RidgeBainbridge-GuilfordBainbridge-Guilford Head StartChenango ForksChenango ValleyFamily Enrichment Network (Owego and Newark Valley)HarpursvilleNewark ValleyVestalUnion EndicottWindsorSusquehanna ValleyThe following area school districts will operate on a two-hour...

School Closings & Delays for January 23, 2024

The following school districts are closed or operating on a two-hour delay today (Tuesday, Jan. 23) due to weather conditions:Athens - ClosedSayre - Closed (Flexible Instruction Day)Epiphany - ClosedWaverly - ClosedSpencer-Van Etten - ClosedTroy - Closed  (Flexible Instruction Day)Towanda - ClosedNorthern Tier Career Center...

School Closings & Delays for January 19, 2024

Here are the most up to date closings and delays for 01/19/2024:Athens Area School District- ClosedCanton School District- ClosedEpiphany School- ClosedNortheast Bradford School District- ClosedNorthern Tioga School District- ClosedPenn York Opportunities - 2-Hour DelaySayre School District- ClosedSpaulding Memorial Library- ClosedTowanda Area School District- ClosedTroy...

SCHOOL CLOSINGS for Friday 2/7/2020

Afton School District: Closed Athens Area School District: Closed Bainbridge-Guilford Schools: Closed Binghamton School District: Closed Binghamton University: Classes Canceled - Offices Open Blue Ridge School District: Closed Broome County Catholic Schools: Closed Broome-Tioga BOCES: Closed Candor School District: Closed Canton School District: Closed Central Baptist Christian Academy: Closed Chenango Forks School District: Closed Chenango Valley...

School Closings & Delays for 12/17/19

A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect for our area until at least 4 PM today. We do have school closings, cancellations and delays today. Some of them started out delayed and are now closed, so if you've heard this list before, please listen...

SCHOOL CLOSINGS for Monday 12/2/2019

The following school districts, colleges, and universities have reported the following closings/cancellations and delays:ACBC - Addiction Center of Broome County: Closed Monday Afton School District: Closed Monday Bainbridge-Guilford Schools: Closed Monday Binghamton School District: Closed Monday Boys & Girls Club of Binghamton: Closed Monday Broome County Catholic Schools: Closed...