State of the State: Cuomo Says 2020 Year of Many Challenges

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo Wednesday delivered his 2020 State of the State address. The Governor's agenda features a domestic terrorism law to address the spike in hate crimes, a $3 billion environmental bond act to fight climate change, legalized cannabis and historic infrastructure and...

NY Gov. Cuomo to Present 2020 State of the State Address

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo will present the 2020 State of the State Address today at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center in Albany The address starts at 1:30 p.m. "Last year we laid out the most aggressive agenda in modern political history and we got...

Gov. Cuomo: Let’s Grab A Movie and A Beer … in a Theater

Gov. Andrew Cuomo will present his State of the State address on Wednesday in Albany. On the long list of the governor's proposals is a second attempt to allow alcohol sales in movie theaters under certain provisions, including no sales at children's movie.Cuomo...

Gov. Cuomo: NY Petty Offense Convictions to Be Sealed

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has signed legislation, which amends the criminal procedure law to clarify that individuals convicted of petty offenses will have their records sealed by default. Sealed records will not be available to any person, or public or private agency, unless a judge...

NY Gov. Cuomo Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday signed legislation further decriminalizing marijuana use in New York State. The bill softens penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana and allows for the expungement of some past convictions. Cuomo first proposed the measure in 2013, and again...