Cryptocurrency scams and fraud in 2023 contributed to an estimated $5.6 billion in losses, a report from one of the federal government's top law enforcement agencies says.
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Explained as an attempt at dark humor following the attempted assassination of a former president, a social media post from a police officer in North Carolina has brought... Read More.
As the Pentagon looks to shift the risk of cost overruns to contractors, some are sitting on the sidelines instead of bidding on projects from their best client:... Read More.
Former President Donald Trump stacked up a slew of dominant primary state wins Tuesday, further extending his massive lead over former South Carolina governor and United Nations Ambassador... Read More.
New York State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli reported last week that after losing more than 1.9 million jobs in March and April, New York State saw steady gains, averaging increases over 174,000 jobs in each of the following five months. That progress nearly halted in... Read More.