Union-Endicott High School to Present Les Miserables


The Union-Endicott High School Music Department will present the musical, “Les Misérables,” during the last weekend of February.
The show opens at 7:30pm on Thursday, Feb. 24 in the UEHS Auditorium in Endicott.
It will continue with performances at 7:30pm on both Friday and Saturday, Feb. 25 and 26, before concluding with a matinee at 3pm on Sunday, Feb. 27.
Tickets cost $9 for adults, $7 for students and seniors and $5 for the balcony.
To order tickets, call 658-7165 or visit the district’s website: www.uek12.org.
“Les Misérables,” the musical based on the 1862 novel of the same name by Victor Hugo, is the third-longest running show on Broadway behind only “Cats” and “Phantom of the Opera.”
An adaptation for use in schools was first performed in 2001 in Hicksville, N.Y.
Since then, the show has been produced by over 2,000 schools in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, making it the most popular high school musical ever.

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