The following statement was released Friday afternoon by Bradford County, PA, District Attorney Chad M. Salsman in response to Gov. Tom Wolf’s closing of businesses due to increasing COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania.
“Yes, my position is still the same. No criminal cases will be filed against businesses who choose to remain open or people who do not comply with the governor’s mandates. The reason is that they have committed no crime. Crimes are, by definition, violations of laws. The governor cannot create laws. Laws are created by the legislature, signed by the governor, and are subject to review by the courts. That process has not been followed.
“In Bradford County, we will not incarcerate or fine people for the simple act of providing for themselves, their families, and their employees. The governor or his political cronies may seek retribution against me, but I will not allow my office to be used to carry out the whims of a business-crushing politician.
“I would caution business owners, however, that the state government has the ability to harass and punish citizens in ways that do not involve the criminal justice system. I cannot control that. People must keep that in mind when deciding how to proceed.”