Tioga Public Health: Comorbidities & Underlying Conditions Eligible for Vaccines


New York State recently announced the list of comorbidities and underlying health conditions that determine eligibility for COVID-19 vaccination. Due to the increased risk of moderate or severe illness or death from COVID-19, adults of any age who have one or more of the following comorbidities will be eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine beginning February 15:

• Cancer (current or in remission)
• Chronic Kidney Disease
• Pulmonary Disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, moderate-to-severe asthma, cystic fibrosis, etc.)
• Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
• Heart Conditions (heart failure, hypertension, coronary artery disease, etc.)
• Immunocompromised State (solid organ transplant, immune deficiencies, HIV, use of immune weakening medications, etc.)
• Severe Obesity (BMI 40kg/m2)
• Pregnancy
• Sickle Cell Disease or Thalassemia
• Type 1 or 2 Diabetes Mellitus
• Cerebrovascular Disease
• Neurologic Conditions (Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, etc.)
• Liver Disease

To show you have a comorbidity or underlying health condition, documentation by the facility where you are getting vaccinated is required. Documentation may include a doctor’s letter or signed certification.

Phases and vaccine locations are designated by the state. All vaccine sites follow directives from NYS regarding vaccine distribution. NYS decides each week how many doses are sent to us and for which groups the supply is designated. 10 million New Yorkers are now eligible to receive the vaccine. We have no control over the process or the limited vaccine supply. Tioga Public Health is still waiting for its COVID-19 vaccine supply to catch up with the number of residents eligible to receive vaccinations, Public Health Director Lisa McCafferty said Wednesday. “With the addition of those with comorbidities being added, a large segment of Tioga County’s population will be eligible,” said McCafferty. “Unfortunately, the vaccine supply provided to the health department on a weekly basis can only reach a very small percent of the population. Based on allocations New York State receives weekly, it will take months to vaccinate those who are currently eligible.”

To help make the vaccine search process easier, United Health Services recently launched a new website to help residents find COVID-19 vaccination clinics across the Southern Tier. Visit: https://www.nyuhs.org/southerntiervax

Please Note: You do NOT need to stay within your home county of residence to get vaccinated and may travel to any county that has vaccines available.

Pharmacies offering COVID-19 vaccination in and around Tioga County for individuals 65 years and older ONLY:
• Walgreens: https://www.walgreens.com/topic/promotion/covid-vaccine.jsp
• CVS: https://www.cvs.com/immunizations/covid-19-vaccine
• Wegmans: http://www.wegmans.com/pharmacy
• Weis Pharmacy: http://www.weismarkets.com/
• Kinney Drugs: https://www.kinneydrugs.com/pharmacy/covid-19/covid-19-vaccinations/email-sign-up/
• Rite Aid: https://www.riteaid.com/pharmacy/services/vaccine-central
• Tops: https://www.topsmarkets.com/COVID19
(You must visit their online links and schedule the appointments electronically)

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics FAQs:

Why are Tioga County vaccination clinics limited to specific populations?
New York State decides how the local health department distributes vaccines. For instance, NYS may send us 100 vaccines specifically for essential works in phase 1B. This means we can only open the clinic up to individuals who meet that criteria. Other clinics may be dedicated to individuals 65 years and older or those with developmental disabilities, but the Tioga County Public Health department does not determine when those clinics will occur.

Why is there such short notice for vaccination clinics?
Our department is notified of the next vaccine shipment only about 24hrs before it arrives. That gives us a short amount of time to schedule and plan a clinic. NYS has directed local health departments not to plan clinics until the vaccine shipment arrives, as we do not know how much vaccine we will receive and what population we will be directed to open the clinic up to.

Whenever a sign-up link for a clinic is posted there are never any spots left, why?
Our department typically receives enough vaccine to vaccinate 100 people per clinic. Spots fill up very quickly as there are hundreds of Tioga County residents anxiously waiting to receive their vaccine. NYS estimates it will take up to 14 weeks to vaccinate everyone who is currently eligible. Please keep checking the link for clinics you qualify for, as even if the spots appear to be filled some people click the link but do not finish registering and those spots will show back up as open.

Where can I find out about clinics?
Tioga County vaccination clinics are posted on the Tioga County Public Health Facebook page and on the Tioga County COVID-19 website: https://www.tiogacountyny.com/programs-agencies/covid19/. Notifications for upcoming clinics may also be sent via email. For clinics in or around Tioga County visit: https://am-i-eligible.covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/ or https://www.nyuhs.org/southerntiervax.