According to multiple news sources, Dr. Sanjay Kansara, an anesthesiologist at Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre was killed late Thursday when the helicopter he was piloting crashed in a dense area of Wyoming County, in northeast Pennsylvaia. Kansara, sources quote his wife as saying, was on his way to the hospital from a municipal airport in Allentown, Pa.
Kansara’s wife said her husband was flying alone. He had been licensed about a year to pilot the private helicopter, which he used to commute to Robert Packer, she said.
Guthrie’s website listed Kansara as doing his residency at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark and worked in Anesthesiology at Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital.
The crash was discovered by the pilot of another helicopter who saw flames in from the wreckage. Officers from the Pennsylvania Game Commission responded and discovered the crashed helicopter.
Federal aviation investigators are on the scene Friday afternoon to start an official investigation of the fatal crash.