Tioga County Legislature Chairwoman Martha Sauerbrey reports community spread continues in every town/village in Tioga County, led by ongoing small social gatherings. “Everyone is encouraged to practice ongoing social distancing, wearing masks, and to stay home if you are sick or have symptoms,” said Sauerbrey.
With elected and health offical expecting an after-Christmas surge on after-Thanksgiving surge, here are the latest statistics dated December 28 from Tioga County.
Owego, NY – Tioga County Legislative Chairwoman Sauerbrey reported the following Tioga County COVID-19 Statistics:
- 1,626 Confirmed Cases – Total confirmed cases, to date.
- 443 Individuals in Mandatory Quarantine – These are individuals who have had close contact with someone who has tested positive, but is not displaying symptoms for COVID-19; or individuals who traveled outside of New York State.
- 1,380 Recovered – Total number of individuals who had a confirmed case of COVID-19 and are now symptom free that meet the criteria to be released from isolation.
- 182 Active Cases
- 64 Deaths
This is a snapshot of data provided to Tioga County Public Health at this point in time. Administered tests are tracked in various ways from various locations.