New York State Police issued 13,887 tickets during this year’s Thanksgiving traffic enforcement initiative, which targeted unsafe driving behaviors during the holiday weekend. The special traffic enforcement period, which is funded by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, ran from Wednesday, November 25 through Sunday, November 29. State Troopers also arrested 155 people for DWI and investigated 757 crashes, including three fatalities, during the holiday period.
“Driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs endangers every single traveler on the road, and it simply will not be tolerated,” said Gov. Andrew Cuomo. “Not only during the holidays, but at all times, the message is clear – be responsible and drive sober or make plans for finding a safe ride home. It’s literally that simple and by following those rules, our roads will be safer and lives will be saved.”
The State Police supplemented regular patrols statewide during this crackdown with fixed sobriety checkpoints, an underage drinker initiative and the “Operation Hang Up” initiative, which targets distracted drivers by utilizing Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement patrol vehicles to better locate drivers talking or texting on handheld devices. These unmarked vehicles blend in with everyday traffic but are unmistakable as emergency vehicles once the emergency lighting is activated.