DOT & State Police Crack Down on Work Zone Violations


New York State Police and the Department of Transportation were on the road Wednesday afternoon in Broome and Tioga counties and issued 21 tickets in “Operation Hardhat” — a joint effort to crack down on work zone violations, and stress the importance of safe driving through active construction and maintenance work zones everywhere in New York state.

Members of the New York State Police Troop C, Sidney, patroled active DOT work zones this week along Interstate 81 in Broome County and Route 17 in Tioga County to enforce work zone speed limits and to ensure that motorists are obeying flagging personnel.

[su_box title=”OPERATION HARDHAT”]On Wednesday, August 28, troopers issued 21 tickets in a work zone on Interstate 81 in Broome County. Violations included: 16 cell phone tickets, 2 Move Over Law, 2 Moved From Lane Unsafely, 1 No Seat belt.[/su_box]

The State Department of Transportation recently launched a new Public Service Announcement highlighting the importance of moving over in construction work zones across the state.

Both emergency responders and highway workers depend on motorists being aware of their surroundings, using patience and caution. It is critical that motorists pay attention behind the wheel and eliminate distractions, especially on interstates and other multi-lane highways.

New York’s Move Over Law requires motorists to carefully slow down and safely move over when approaching law enforcement vehicles, fire trucks, ambulances, tow trucks, and construction and maintenance vehicles stopped along the roads.

Construction and maintenance crews across the state work alongside fast-moving traffic each day, knowing their lives depend on drivers being alert, patient and cautious. It is critically important that motorists eliminate distractions, pay attention to driving and, on multi-lane highways, move over a travel lane to give highway workers room.

Motorists are reminded that fines are doubled for speeding in a work zone, and in accordance with the Work Zone Safety Act of 2005, convictions of two or more speeding violations in a work zone could result in the suspension of an individual’s driver license. Work zone safety tips can be found at

For real-time travel information, motorists should call 511 or visit  the mobile site at?, New York State’s official traffic and travel information source.