Remember: Buckle Up for Safety in New York State Parks


New York State Police, the New York State Park Police and the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee are partnering to ensure that visitors to state parks are
buckling up for safety. “BUNY in the Parks” is an enforcement and educational campaign to ensure that visiting motorists and their passengers properly buckle-up their seatbelts while travelling inside state parks, and to teach the importance of properly securing our youngest visitors in approved child safety seats. This year’s campaign will be held from Saturday to Monday, August 12. This initiative
coincides with one of the peak times that visitors travel to state parks throughout New York State, and the goal is for motorists and their families to arrive and depart safely. During the 2018 campaign, State Police and State Park Police issued more than 3,700 total tickets. That included 2,100 tickets for child restraint violations and 764 tickets for adult seatbelt violations.