The following was written by the Tioga County Health Department:
If you or someone in your household has a known exposure to a COVID-19 case, we recommend getting tested approximately five days after your exposure, regardless of your vaccination status. Getting tested helps identify people infected with the virus who may be asymptomatic and unknowingly spreading the virus. This is especially important for those who are fully vaccinated who may have mild symptoms or no symptoms if they become infected.
If you are experiencing symptoms and have been tested for COVID-19, you must self-quarantine at home until you receive your test results. Do not go to school or work! Stay home until you receive your test results or until you have been released from your quarantine.
Please continue to wear a mask when in public places, wash your hands often, and social distance when possible. Take care of your overall wellness, too, by making healthy food choices, exercising, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep every night.
Here is the COVID-19 case breakdown in Tioga County from November 10, 2021 – November 16, 2021:
New Cases: 243 (up from previous week report of 202.)
Unvaccinated: 116
Vaccinated: 81
Unknown Vaccination Status: 9
Children Under 12: 37
Hospitalizations: 12
Deaths: 1
Current Active Cases: 334 (up from previous week report of 269.)
Data is a snapshot of what is reported to us via different venues. Vaccination status is self-reported by the positive case or their
parent/guardian during the case investigation. Deaths related to COVID-19 are reported to our department in different ways.
Tioga County is not always notified when a death occurs. Various factors may impact the severity of one’s COVID-19 illness
including underlying health conditions and vaccination status. The COVID-19 vaccine offers protection against severe illness and
hospitalization. We encourage eligible individuals to get vaccinated.
COVID-19 Resources:
Reporting Positive At-Home Test Results: 607-687-8600 (option 1)
COVID-19 Vaccine Locations:
Testing Locations:
New York State Dashboard:
Tioga County Public Health Website:
Tioga County Public Health Facebook Page: