Tioga County Public Health says stay home if you’re experiencing COVID-19 symptoms


While conducting interviews with our positive COVID-19 cases, Tioga County Public Health has found that
many have attended work or school while they were symptomatic. If you are experiencing any symptoms of
COVID-19, including minor symptoms like a runny nose, headache, or sore throat, stay home and contact
your health care provider.

When people go to school while symptomatic, it results in other students, teachers, and school staff needing to quarantine. Please, do not let your children go to school while they are sick. When you or your children expose others to the virus, you are putting them at risk and cause an inconvenience to many other families in your school district when children need to be excluded from school.

COVID-19 case breakdown in Tioga County from September 8, 2021 – September 14, 2021:
 New Cases: 123
o Unvaccinated: 59
o Vaccinated: 43
o Children Under 12: 14
o Unknown Vaccination Status: 7
 Hospitalizations: 3
 Deaths: 0
 Current Actives Cases: 143
Vaccination status is self-reported by the positive case or their parent/guardian during the case investigation.
Several factors may affect one’s protection against COVID-19 including which vaccine they received, how long it has been since they were vaccinated, and what precautions they are taking to protect themselves from
COVID-19. The COVID-19 vaccine offers protection against severe illness, hospitalization, and death.

At this time, if you are exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and you are fully vaccinated, you do not need to quarantine as long as you remain symptom free.

We continue to urge our community to get vaccinated against COVID-19, especially students 12 and older. By getting eligible students vaccinated against the virus, you can help keep them in school. Please visit
https://www.vaccines.gov/ to find a vaccine site near you.

Lisa McCafferty, Public Health Director reminds those with underlying health conditions to “take care of yourself due to cases we are seeing in our community. Protect yourself by practicing social distancing, wear a mask while in public areas, and get vaccinated if you have not done so yet.”

To find a COVID-19 testing site, visit https://get-tested-covid19.org/. For more resources, please visit our website at ph.tiogacountyny.gov. Don’t forget to like us on Facebook (@Tioga County Public Health)