Tioga County Legislative Chairwoman Martha Sauerbrey reported Tuesday the 27th death of a county resident related to CIVID-19. “I regret to inform you that another of our citizens has passed away because of a COVID-19 infection. I want to send our condolences to the individual’s family and friends and ask for God’s peace for them,” said Sauerbrey
Sauerbrey also said: “Tioga County Public Health Department continues to investigate the large number of COVID-19 cases in Tioga County. During these stressful and challenging times, I am asking the community to do more, to be more aware and take precautions as you go about your daily routine. Wear your mask, wash your hands, stay with social distancing and we can reduce our numbers and remain healthy. I also ask you to pray that Tioga County will overcome this challenge, that people will not suffer from this virus and that we will have no more loss of life due to COVID-19.”
Owego, NY – Tioga County Legislative Chairwoman Sauerbrey reported the following Tioga County COVID-19 Statistics:
- 302 Confirmed Cases – Total confirmed cases, to date.
- 417 Individuals in Mandatory Quarantine – These are individuals who have had close contact (6 ft.) with someone who has tested positive, but is not displaying symptoms for COVID-19; or individuals that have traveled to China, Iran, Japan, South Korea, or Italy and is displaying symptoms of COVID-19; or individuals who traveled outside of New York State to one of the states identified by the Governor with a mandatory 14-day quarantine period upon return.
- 211 Recovered – Total number of individuals who had a confirmed case of COVID-19 and are now symptom and fever-free that meet the criteria to be released from Isolation.
- 64 Active Cases
- 27 Deaths
This is a snapshot of data provided to Tioga County Public Health at this point in time.
Administered tests are tracked in various ways. Test results are reported.